Company Values
All staff at Datalink share these values:
- Working in a safe, positive and life-friendly workplace
- Delivering meaningful results for our customers, the company and the planet
- Being conscientious in our work, and pragmatic to maximise its value
- Having integrity in our people and our systems.
If you’re a software engineer and you share these values, then you might want to work for us.
Working in a safe, positive and life-friendly workplace
- We treat everyone with respect
- We listen before acting so we can better understand
- We can say what we think even if its controversial
- We can admit when we don’t know something, and we have the space to learn
- We are trusted to make our own decisions, and it’s okay if it doesn’t work out
- We think big and see the possibilities, not just the problems
- We all make a positive contribution to the team
- We try our best to make working fun and enjoyable for others
- We encourage, support and celebrate a positive work/life balance and the enjoyment of life and family outside of work.
Delivering meaningful results for our customers, the company and the planet
- We aim to consistently accomplish meaningful amounts of important outcomes
- Our customers can rely upon us
- We seek to deliver beyond the task to create outcomes, not outputs
- We keep our customers at the forefront of our thinking and decision-making
- We seek leverage and value in our work
- We seek markets where we can have a positive impact in the world
Being conscientious in our work, and pragmatic to maximise its value
- We have a bias to high quality work, yet pragmatic in our execution to maximise value
- We use good judgement in our areas of expertise, and collaborate where we are not experts
- We seek to align our work to our strategies and goals to deliver meaningful results to our customers and to the company
- We have pride in our work, and are allowed the time to do our work well
- Our work is built for longevity
- We can challenge prevailing assumptions when warranted, and suggest alternate approaches
- We pragmatically tackle technical debt where and when it makes us faster
- We try to minimise complexity and find time to simplify
Having integrity in our people and our systems
- We are honest, open, upfront, truthful and trustworthy
- We will only say things about someone that we would say to their face
- We are a team, and no task is beneath any person
- We are loyal, and care about the success of our customers and the company
- The company has trustworthy systems that meet the expectations of its users
- Tools and systems are well-maintained and can be relied upon by its staff
- The company is well run and operates sustainably
Work with us
If this sounds like the sort of place you’d like to work, then check out our careers page.
Enterprise Apps
Local Government
Emergency Services
Community Welfare
Public Transit
Datalink Internet Systems P/L
6/607 Bourke St
Melbourne 3000 Australia
GMT +10 / GMT + 11 in summer
Copyright Datalink Internet Systems Pty Ltd